A Better Cambridge is committed to creating a more affordable, sustainable, and vibrant Cambridge. A Better Cambridge IEPAC works to achieve that goal by electing municipal officials who will achieve those goals.
Our Mission
We believe that increasing housing, creating more affordable housing, and enhancing tenant protections are critical to ensuring more people can live here and stay here — our goal is to increase access to the opportunities our city provides, regardless of background or income. Through education and advocacy, we seek to impact the public conversation, include under-represented groups, and encourage thoughtful planning and policy.
Our Values
A Better Cambridge fights for the following values:
Housing abundance. Cambridge should have enough homes for everyone who wants to live here. Our housing shortage has caused massive displacement and undermines our inclusivity. We must legalize multifamily housing in every neighborhood and add more housing along transportation corridors.
Housing affordability. Every resident should be able to find a home in Cambridge that they can afford. In addition to pushing market costs down, we must create and preserve deed-restricted affordable housing, and we must defend and expand public subsidy programs like rental vouchers and homeownership assistance.
Housing stability. Tenants should not be at the mercy of their landlords. Cambridge needs to strengthen and protect tenants’ rights, both inside and outside of eviction proceedings. Many tenant protections require state approval, but we have the power to create a universal right to counsel in Cambridge right now while we join other cities in advocating for state-level reforms.
Environmental sustainability. The single best way Cambridge can reduce carbon emissions is to build housing near transit, allowing more people to live more sustainably. We must also end mandatory parking minimums and promote sustainable building standards.